Cylinders, cubes, domes

Cylinders & cubes

The Igloo cylinders and cubes were built in direct response to client demand.

Some clients loved our domes, but needed a modular structure to fit under standard ceiling heights or take to exhibitions. Others had experience with basic BIM CAVEs or full-dome spheres, but were forever frustrated by the image distortion (not to mention the high costs). So we created a solution that was quick to build, slick to be in, and totally practical.

Super-flexible, indoor-only, they come in a variety of sizes and configurations to suit any need. We offer open-fronted cylinders that make great showpieces at events and exhibitions, inviting passersby to look right in. They’re available to install in your offices too.

All our cylinders and cubes can be branded up to your specifications with slick wraparound covers.

With our domes, cylinders, and cubes, you can create shared immersive spaces that suit a wide range of needs. They can become permanent installations in your offices, create eye-catching showpieces at events, or even act as mobile spaces that you can move out and about on a roadshow – we can support every possible permutation.

We can train your teams to rig and de-rig for a mobile solution, or handle the full permanent installation, or support the running of your event.

We can also tweak our standard off-the-shelf solutions to fit perfectly in your premises – learn more about our custom-build credentials.

By the way, if you’re just looking for a structure (that is, without the projection), you should probably look elsewhere. At Igloo, we’re all about the full immersive experience. They are available to buy or hire and come fully equipped and all ready-to-go.